The Greatest Motivational Speaker You Never Heard Of

But I Know You Have Probably Felt His Presence at Times

Deante L. Young
2 min readJan 1, 2021
Photo by John Moeses Bauan on Unsplash

Earl Nightingale, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Norman Vincent Peale, Les Brown, Tony Robbins — man I could go on and on about history’s greatest motivational speakers.

They fire us up.

Their words are powerful.

They are successful.

But none of them inspire and motivate me more than the greatest motivational speaker in the history of the world:

Haima Brokeman.

He is so persuasive when I really listen to him. Sometimes, his words can’t be actually heard — his impact has to be felt.

He doesn’t just talk about overcoming your troubling shit. He will literally make you live without money for rent, car repairs, electricity, food and even Christmas gifts. This is where his true power lies; he makes you experience the pain of your own mediocrity.

Haima Brokeman.

That’s why he’s more persuasive and effective than Robbins and the other legends. He knows that the most successful way to motivate is to place a person in undesirable circumstances, let them flounder and suffer, then by sheer force of will, make people take action on their lousy situation.



Deante L. Young

I ghostwrite LI and X content for CEOs to capitalize on their thought leadership and build their personal brand | 12 + years working with business executives |